Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Quilt

Red, mistletoe, and green trees

I'm starting to run into problems with the design and being able to peice it together correctly but we think we may have figered out a way to do so. This one is in the process now has to be sewn then the fun part which will be getting to use my new open toed foot to do free motion on the quilt.

Simple Batik



Miami Dolphins

Here is a quilt I made for my stepdad I need to get the finished picture but this is the basics of the quilt.


To check out some of the amazing work my cousin and aunt have done check out and


My Choice

My cousins choice

Me and my cousin when she was down in September made purses here are our fabric choices I'll have to get pictures of the finished project to show how they turned out! They were lots of fun to do and fairly easy.